Writers Love McDonalds and Cafe

Why Do Writers Love McDonald and Cafes:

Few days back my son dragged me to +McDonald.(The play area there is both a boon and a curse.). While he was playing, I texted my friends for sometime but then got bored. I am not a person who can text for a long time. So I did what I do best when I am idle. I watch and observe people.  

In one corner, one lady was busy scribbling away. I became fascinated by her expressions. She was smiling, murmuring, getting angry and throwing away the written sheets. She caught me staring at her.( How embarrassing!!!) "Bad writing day." She told me so accusingly that I almost said sorry to her. 

I wondered why the heck she was writing there. When I came out of the kids playroom, I saw two other guys furiously typing away in their laptop. So, how did this eatery turn into a writer's paradise.

Well, there was only one way to satisfy my curiosity. I went and asked them of course! (was there any other way?) I asked them a few questions and they readily answered.( God bless them)

Why do you write here?

All of them had a common answer. Free WiFi. But the lady had something more to add. She could write in the McDonald in a carefree manner. Back home, the household works, kids or the telephone all become reasons for distraction. But here, one can keep the outside world at bay and just write,write and write.

Moreover, coffee can be pretty unlimited. People leave you alone and the best thing each writer finds there is believe or not - to observe people. Sometimes they observe people to put special qualities in their characters. The quirks, the twiches, the stammer, maybe a loud laughter or two. You never know what you might get after observing people.

So next day I returned with my lappy and joined the brigade of writers in the McDonald. No unhappy unwashed dishes staring at me, nor the screaming pile of clothes glaring at me. Kids a phone call away - what more can a writer in mother ask for. Bliss!!!


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